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Electric Easy Wind Fan for Poultry
★ The good effect to reduce the humidity and cool the temperature;
★ Inverted conical to install, reliable and safety;
★ Special design of rainproof;
★ 3 years warranty.
1. Patent Product
The patent product especially to solve the roof ventilation and dehumidification & cooling for poultry.
2. Great Effect on Ventilation, Dehumidification, and Cooling
The humid and hot air usually is in the roof of greenhouse. It is hard to take them out of the greenhouse with current vent way, so it may cause the growth of bacteria and germs, and bring the disease to the plant. The Easy wind fan may solve this problem well.
(1) The fan is installed on the roof of greenhouse. With the electric model, it may take the hot air out of the greenhouse and reduce the temperature inside;
(2) It may take the steam out of and reduce the humidity in the greenhouse. The air flow for the electric model is 4600m3/h, so it can reduce the humidity fast. The average humidity can lower about 15%;
(3) It may promote the air flow inside and gas exchange of plant community, to balance environmental factors, and reduce the disease of the plant.
3. Rainproof Patent Design, Good Sealing Character
The material of fan is similar to the film, so there is no chemical reaction in the touch area between the fan and film. Due to the same thermal expansion, the fan will not leak the rain. (when the fan is installed on PC greenhouse and glasshouse, it can be sealed with the glass glue). When opening the fan, the cap will be opened by the wind to keep the ventilation, when the fan is closed, the cap will drop automatically due to gravity (can be used within 45 degree of the horizontal angle). The cap is covered tightly with the barrel after the fan is closed. It can prevent heat loss, prevent the air, rain, and snow outdoor to enter the greenhouse and guarantee the sealing and safe.
4. Anti-aging, Durable
The material is pure PE material, adding anti-aging agent, improve the anti-aging effect.
5. Inverted Conical to Install, Easy and Safety
6. Low noise, Run Steady, Low Energy Consume
Add:Bldg. 5, CAAS, Beijing, China
Tel :+86 10 62149667
Fax:+86 10 82108614
P.C: 100081